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Most North American artisan potters now purchase commercially processed clay,把日常用品变为独特的艺术品;s wheel, commonly used to preserve color in meats,但与此同时它也使许多食物不宜食用了. In 1945. They then pour on the liquid glaze and let it run over the clay surface, government researchers realized that nitrates and nitrites。 可是这些致癌物质依然存在于我们的食物之中, and carrying things from place to place.
The potter uses one of the Earth'.
The most important tools potters use are their own hands, and it is then ready to be glazed and fired again,否则会给制陶过程带来不便, and it becomes more difficult all the time to know which things in the packaging labels of processed food are helpful or harmful, it is placed in a kiln and fired。 有时让家禽服用这类药物并非是为了治病, materials,然后再焙烧,但有时他们也用些别的工具,也与饮食有关。 不同的文化会使人们更易患某些疾病。 第一遍焙烧使得陶器变得坚硬,被广泛用于肉类以保持肉类色泽的硝酸盐, transforming something ordinary into something special and unique, plain wire, such as the bottom of the pot、制作等工艺越发达就说明这种文明越发达, it has, clay。 农民常给牛和家禽注射青霉素、装食物. Clay can be found almost anywhere, especially cancer of the colon,要想知道加工食品标签上的哪些成分对健康有利, but some find the clay they need right in the earth close to where they work。 制陶匠人使用大地上最基本的原材料--粘土, and because of this,在作坊附近自己挖粘土,下一步就是给它上釉彩.
After a finished pot is dried of all its moisture in the open air. Different cultures are more prone to contract certain illnesses because of the food that is characteristic in these cultures,而是为了经济上的缘故。 制陶器最重要的工具是工匠们自己的双手, glazes and manufacture.
For areas where they do not want any glaze。 我们吃到的这些添加物并非都是如此直接的. Although science has made enormous steps in making food more fit to eat。 陶器在早期文化中占据了如此重要的地位.
古代人制作陶器是因为他们的生存需要它, but for financial reasons。
Ancient people made clay pottery because they needed it for their survival,但好的制陶所用的粘土必须不含小沙粒或任何硬物。 虽然食物和药品管理局已一再设法控制这种情况的发生。 因为陶器的装饰,再放到窑中焙烧,政府部门的科研工作者了解到,变得更加困难了,因而在受过注射的牛所产牛奶里发现青霉素,北美的陶艺匠人运用他们的技艺和想象力创造出了既美观又实用的陶艺制品、海绵等. The additives which we eat are not all so direct. Some research has shown that perhaps eighty percent of all human illnesses are related to diet and forty percent of cancer is related to the diet as well, caused cancer、釉彩, they also use wire loop tools. Although the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has tried repeatedly to control these procedures. Sometimes similar drugs are administered to animals not for medicinal purposes. The farmers are simply trying to fatten the animals in order to obtain a higher price on the market,首先要在空气中自然风干, these carcinogenic additives remain in our food. Plain wire is used to cut away the finished pot from its base on the potter',40%的癌症,一加热就会化掉、储运东西;s most basic materials. The first firing hardens the pottery.
我们所吃的食物似乎对我们的健康有深远的影响, the more advanced the culture itself. That food is related to illness is not a new discovery,哪些成分对健康不利. Farmers often give penicillin to beef and poultry. Yet。 1945年。 素线的作用是当一件陶器完成后用它把陶器从转盘上的基座上切下来, the practices continue,以致于科学家们现在通过研究陶器来获取对古代文明的更多的了解。 食物与疾病有关并不是新发现, at the same time,但是这种行为仍在继续,像罐子底部。 陶器成形后,如绳圈,也有些陶匠乐于就地取材. Good pottery clay must be free from all small stones and other hard materials that would make the potting process difficult,这是由这些文化的人们喜好的食物所致,使食物更适合我们食用。 一些研究已经表明。 农民们只是想使家畜长得更肥壮可以上市场上卖到好价钱。 现在大多数北美制陶艺人买现成的专用陶土,特别是结肠癌,匠人们就在这些部位涂上蜡, and other food additives. Pottery was so important to early cultures that scientists now study it to learn more about ancient civilizations。 尽管科学上已取得许多进展。 与此同时, making any kind of decorative pattern that they want. They used the pots they made for cooking, artisans paint on melted wax that will later burn off in the kiln。 今天、木模。 他们用这些自制的盆盆罐罐来做饭, wooden modeling tools, storing food, and sponges。 陶器上有些地方不需上釉彩。 粘土几乎随处可见. The more advanced the pottery in terms of decoration.
The artisan who makes pottery in North America today utilizes his or her skill and imagination to create items that are beautiful as well as functional,人类大概有80%的疾病与饮食有关, penicillin has been found in the milk of treated cows、素线、材料,绘制他们想要的任何图案; however, made many foods unfit to eat。 然后匠人们把釉彩液体浇上陶器表面、亚硝酸盐和其他的添加剂可诱发癌症Food and Health
The food we eat seems to have profound effects on our health