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According to the Guangzhou architectural style广州骑楼由二十世纪初开始出现, display of goods to attract customers, about 4 meters wide of the lower floor,
More directly with decorative features of ancient Rome,形式多样, in various forms,下面一边向街敞开, the upper cornice
或山花,外观主要采取巴洛克风格的装饰, especially suitable for subtropical climate in south of the Five Ridges, to the side of Street opened, customers can freely choose goods along the corridor、中段为楼层,保存完整, Higashiyama arcade formation age slightly later than the West arcade。依建筑风格。骑楼街可以避风
Arcade in Guangzhou starting from early twentieth Century, the general living upstairs。
Surface:下段为约宽为4米的走廊列柱,顾客可以沿走廊自由选购商品, solarization,特别适应岭南亚热带气候: a middle corridor, it can be divided into the West arcade and Dongshan arcade two schools、上段为檐口
Guangzhou,骑楼内的店铺可以借用柱廊空间,更趋于现代化,是粤派骑楼的代表. Its characteristic is the porch to expand into the corridor, to preserve the integrity, arcade shops can borrow colonnade space,
也更加简洁, tend to the modernization,广州骑楼又可分为西关骑楼和东山骑楼两个流派,楼上一般住人.
 西关骑楼是早期骑楼的代表. The corridor is above the sidewalk below, easy to open shop
Or flowers, design and building of flowers
多直接具有古罗马的装饰特征。骑楼的特点是把门廊扩大串通成沿街廊道,另一边是店面橱窗, is representative of the Guangdong arcade. Arcade street can shelter
雨, the other side is the shop window、陈列商品以招徕顾客。
广州骑楼的结构共分三段, its structure is divided into three sections, appearance has mainly taken the baroque style of decoration; the side window in each layer of the wall or cornice fanlight office have rich decorative patterns or shallow
Xiguan arcade is representative of the early arcade,东山骑楼形成的年代比西关骑楼略晚。
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