首页 > 装修问答 > 客厅 > 在房子的中央是客厅,客厅的后面是一套沙发,沙发前面三米是玻璃桌,玻璃桌的前面是一个电视柜。电视柜上?




lies just in front of the table, wiih a glass table 3 meters in the front. There are two bedrooms in the left of the house. A TV cabinet, where there is a kitchen in the right and a toilet further, a coat cabinet in front of the bed and a dest open to a window, with a TV on it. The left one is a guideroom,and the right one is a dining room. In my house there is a bed on the right, with a few books on the deskIn the middle of the house lies the living room, the back of which is a suit of sofa


Is the north side of the sofa in the sitting room there is a small table in front of the sofa The table is on the left of the sitting room TV is table